

发布时间:2020-07-17 16:39:54浏览次数:104文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思大作文【学校应该更重视学生的未来职场发展而不是学术成就】高分写作示范,有需要的烤鸭收藏,需要雅思写作预测题库的学生也可在线



  There is an assumption that tertiary education should focus more on students’ career potentials than their academic performance. I would say this opinion is a generalization to overlook the underlying relevance of academic ability to secular success.

  From a utilitarian perspective, it is not difficult to understand why skills related to workplaces are prioritized in education. The very problem that frustrates universities and employers is the discrepancy between students’ scores and their practical problem-solving abilities. One ironical example can be seen in prestigious university graduates majoring in business related disciplines (e.g. public relations, marketing), whose expertise in theoretical knowledge usually does not translate immediately to tangible rewards for their employers; rather, many favored employees are those with empirical knowledge from case studies back in schools.

  Be that as it may, I would say those pragmatists are over generalizing their ideas to reach a powerful conclusion that downplays the academic importance. Beside practical ability like negotiation or managerial skills, what they are oblivious to is the underlying relevance of business literacy to the success of many industrial leaders. In a whitewater world of constant change, it is the learning ability that makes people not fall behind the times; such a competency is usually demonstrated in academic performance from their university experience. Apart from aptitude for acquiring new knowledge, academic achievements are also indicators of the ambition and competency among graduates, both of which are imperative for their success in future careers.

  I would conclude therefore, it is an oversimplification to venerate career related skills over academic performance.


  tertiary education 高等教育

  secular 世俗的

  utilitarian 实用主义的

  prestigious university 名牌大学

  disciplines 课程

  theoretical knowledge 理论知识

  empirical knowledge 经验知识

  aptitude 天赋

  ambition 进取心

  competency 竞争力


相关热词搜索: 雅思大作文 雅思作文


托福 雅思 SAT 预备课 学术课 美高学分 学业规划