
雅思口语part2【现场体育比赛】What it was like

发布时间:2021-04-06 10:57:27浏览次数:84文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语part2【现场体育比赛】What it was like 这道题应该是整个话题的难点核心,包括我自己所教学生在内,他们都会疑惑这道题究

  雅思口语part2【现场体育比赛】What it was like  这道题应该是整个话题的难点核心,包括我自己所教学生在内,他们都会疑惑这道题究竟应该拓展什么?当“what it was like”出现在地点类话题时,我们主要就是描述这个地点的外貌,但对于活动的描述,我们的局限性不会这么大。这也就意味着我们可以有更广的描述范围。

雅思口语part2【现场体育比赛】What it was like


  Example one:

  Even though I am not into basketball, It was a very exciting tournament. The stadium was packed out with students screaming and cheering on the players. The games were fast and everyone was on the edge of their seat 非常兴奋.

  Each team played so well and the scores were neck and neck 不分上下. In the end, the 6th-grade team won and walked away with 轻松赢得 the 10,000 yuan prize money.

  Example two:

  The game was held in a massive new stadium that holds over 10,000 people. Even though it is big, it was still packed out 挤满了人. People were wearing jerseys 运动衫 in different colors to support their favorite teams.

  All the players in the game were full of energy and confidence. They played really hard to help the team win the game. Finally, after an intense 4-hour match, the underdogs stole the game which surprised everyone.


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