
雅思口语part2话题【现场体育比赛】What it was

发布时间:2021-04-06 10:57:27浏览次数:60文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语part2话题【现场体育比赛】What it was 针对第一小问的拓展,我们有比较宽裕的选择空间。不过,我的建议是尽量选择一些不足

  雅思口语part2话题【现场体育比赛】What it was  针对第一小问的拓展,我们有比较宽裕的选择空间。不过,我的建议是尽量选择一些“不足轻重,无关痛痒”的维度来简单的补充一些背景信息,比如:popularity/ organizer/ requirement/ when等。这些信息点虽然简单,但也可以给出一些比较接地气的内容。

雅思口语part2话题【现场体育比赛】What it was

  Example one:

  Actually, I am not a sporty person, so I rarely watch live sports matches I think the last match I watched was a basketball match which was organized by my school.

  Every year we have a basketball tournament 篮球联赛 after the mid-term exam. It is kind of a tradition and it is very popular among students. You have to be quick if you want to snap up a ticket 抢票.

  Example two:

  I am going to talk about a billiards game 台球赛 that I watched. It was held in one of the biggest billiards halls 台球厅 in my city. It is usually closed to the public but you can get in with an invitation. The night was spectacular.



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