

发布时间:2021-09-10 08:42:16浏览次数:83文章来源:培顿教育
导读: 托福独立写作高分答案:父母应该让孩子自己做选择吗?​3月10日这一道独立写作是一道教育成长类的旧题,重复2013年7月20日的考



  Nowadays parents are increasingly concerned about their children’s development, spending too much time on determining the uncertain future of their children. This phenomenon is prevalent in society. However, more wisely, parents, in my opinion, should allow children to make their own choices for the future, but some necessary parental assistance should be given.

  Making a decision by children themselves helps children to acquire skills better, which make them face challenges bravely for better career advancement. In this society full of competition, children should be equipped with enough experience and ability to survive and thrive in the future. If the children can decide what they desire to do, their development is likely to reach the highest level within their possibility. For example, my friend Jim, on the basis of his strengths, had the freedom to opt for a desired university for a dream major. He did spare no efforts to spend time and energy on the major, mastering relevant expertise and doing research into his field. After graduation, amid the fierce competition on the job market, he came out top by virtue of the solid foundation laid in his university years. Working with an international company, he has been recently promoted to a marketing manager with a decent salary and perks, in that he can handle numerous complicated issues through what he has learned.


  However, it is advisable for parents to offer some timely help if necessary. The children, especially those who have come of age, are psychologically immature or impetuous when they have to make a choice for their future. The parents, as it were, should give children some liberty but cannot go as far as to sit idle without doing anything. In some cases, children’s making a choice is not as easy as it seems, which might lead to some fearsome consequences beyond their calculation or prediction. It is on such an occasion that parents should be considerate and have aliberal attitude, affording some guidance and pointing out the potential problems. Through the discussion between parents and children, the children’s options can be practical and wise---for instance, a middle school student can avoid detours by not choosing something which is obviously unsuitable for his quality and talent. In this sense, the role the parents are playing is highly appropriate.

  In conclusion, it is better to give children autonomy to decide future development by themselves, so that what they do is to their taste and helps to unlock their potential. In spite of this, parents also should assist children to have a clear orientation, guiding them through the turmoil of life.


  determine 决定

  advancement 进步

  expertise 专业知识

  liberal 自由主义的

  autonomy 自治

  turmoil 动乱

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