
雅思口语Part 1新题高分素材 - 关于整洁

发布时间:2021-02-22 11:43:01浏览次数:51文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part 1新题 - 关于整洁。考试中遇到这样的题目,同学们应该怎样回答呢?其实这道题的难度系数不是太高,同学们可以融入生活

  雅思口语Part 1新题 - 关于整洁。考试中遇到这样的题目,同学们应该怎样回答呢?其实这道题的难度系数不是太高,同学们可以融入生活中的经历,简单回答问题,这里我们送上一些参考素材,大家可以好好的学习一下,希望能够对各位有所帮助!

  Are you a tidy person?

  Yes. I'm a fanatic for cleanness. I really don’t wanna see my room like a dog’s dinner. I mean, I would clean my house at least twice a week, make my bed every day, and order the clean service when I’m occupied with my study. You know, it always loosens me up when I see my tidy room every time.


雅思口语Part 1新题高分素材 - 关于整洁

  Do you think people should be tidy all the time?

  Definitely. Being tidy is a terrific way to show courtesy and respect for others. I believe that nobody likes to shake hands with a person who doesn’t care about personal hygiene. In addition, it is said that keeping things neat is beneficial for both people’s physical condition and mental health.


  Are you tidier at work or at home?

  Actually, I’m much tidier at work cuz everything in order on my table can really improve my working efficiency. You know, my mind is often clearer and response quicker if I can get what I need immediately. Plus, to be tidy at workplace can probably leave a good impression on others.




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