

发布时间:2020-09-30 11:03:56浏览次数:195文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语PART1高分素材:Discussion,当我们遇到这样的题目,应该怎么开始呢?从哪些方面入手会拿到一个比较好的分数呢?本文我们送来


  1) Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

  2) What do you like to talk about?

  3) Did you change the way you discuss when you were a child?

  4) Do you change your opinions frequently?


  1) I personally prefer to talk, because I think it’s really important that people can have the chance to express themselves.

  2) Well, there are a wide range of things that I enjoy discussing with others. To take an example, I am quite fond of trying different kinds of coffee, especially the drip coffee, so I tend to share the information about the coffee with my friends, like Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world. Sometimes, they would think I am quite crazy but I enjoy talking about such things.

  3) Of course I do. When I was a child, I was not the kind of kid who liked to talk much with others. Instead, I preferred to stay alone, playing the toys or drawing some pictures. But as I grow up, I enjoy talking with others on various topics. You know, it’s hard for a kid to illustrate something logically, so with the improvement in my comprehension and expression abilities, I can discuss one topic in great detail and make others easily understand now.

  4) Well, it depends. As for the topics with which I am not familiar, I am willing to listen to others’ views with an open mind since there are always two sides to an argument and one can never make a judgement before listening to peripheral ideas. In this way, I tend to change my opinions on such topics very often since I keep absorbing fresh views. But for other topics such as the ones related to my field or profession, I choose to insist on my stance because these are the conclusions that I have drawn from my own experience.



托福 雅思 SAT 预备课 学术课 美高学分 学业规划