
雅思口语必备最新话题-【Part 1】

发布时间:2024-03-20 10:01:43浏览次数:2文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语必备最新话题-【Part 1】——一直以来都有不少同学反映,国内雅思口语压分严重,国外的形势一片大好。于是,很多的同学都会选

  雅思口语必备最新话题-【Part 1】——一直以来都有不少同学反映,国内雅思口语压分严重,国外的形势一片大好。于是,很多的同学都会选择去报考韩国或者东南亚国家的雅思考试。其实深究一下国内压分的原因,这种操作真的是大可不必!




  3.Part 3 暴露真实口语水平


雅思口语必备最新话题-【Part 1】

  Part 1 (3-4min)自我介绍,一般会问一些比较基础简单的问题,比如个人情况,工作或者学习之类的,再者会问一些兴趣或爱好问答。回答这一类题目不需要太过于紧张,就是简单的热身部分。回答问题也不需要回答太久,安排在几句话,简单明了是最好。



  When did you start to learn science?

  Oh, that’s a tough question for me, because it was so long ago. Let me think, um, well, it could be when I was in my primary school, the third year, maybe. And I remember we had a class named Nature, where our teacher often showed a lot of interesting pictures about dinosaurs, mountains, planets and stars and stuff like that. We felt fascinated about the lesson and liked it very much.

  (如上所示,考官提出的问题是“你什么时候开始学习的科学?”我们第一时间脑子里会回答,it should be in primay school。为了使整个对话更自然,我们在回答的时候可以用一些衔接词,例如,well,maybe...)

  Is there any technology that you think is helpful in daily life?

  Yeah, and there’s a lot, like smart phone technology, 3D IMAX technology and video games. My favorite would be smart phones. The trend of smart phones nowadays is to link your phone with whatever devices you’re gonna use, which is called Internet of Things, or IOT. I like this cool idea and even the first stage of it has made our life  very different.

  (同时,在回答part1 时要先回应问题,然后再+解释和围绕的具体例子,然后用一些常用句型丰富语言。)



  Do you prefer to write letters by hand or by computer?

  Oh, definitely by computer. Because my handwriting’s not up to par, and so when I write by hand, the characters usually look ugly and I’ll worry whether the letter reader is able to understand what I’m writing about, which can be very embarrassing.


  How can children today improve or practice their handwriting?

  One possible way is to sign up for a training course, because the teachers there are said to be good at handwriting and teaching it. Last week, I went for a walk in the shopping mall near our community and saw a handwriting training center on the 2rd floor, packed with parents and children, which must be very profitable. I don’t know how well they teach though.

   从经验来说,Part 1 作为口语考试的第一部分,最重要的就是保证流利度,自然的做到回答问题是张口就来。不需要太复杂太长,总体回答3-5句最佳,说的太多很容易被考官打断,所以掌握一些地道的表达,提前熟悉一些语气词,跟考官有个自然的谈话开始就ok了。



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