
雅思口语高分话题素材:名字 Name

发布时间:2023-11-17 08:45:27浏览次数:4文章来源:培顿教育
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  雅思口语高分话题素材:名字 Name   本​文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育!

  名字 Name

  1) Who give you the name?

  2) Is there any special meaning for your name?

  3) Are there any meaningful names in China?

  4) Do people feel that their name is very important?

  5) Would you like to change you name?

  6) Is it easy to change your name in your country?

雅思口语高分话题素材:名字 Name

  1) It’s my grandpa. It’s tradition in my family that when a baby was born, usually it’s the elder like grandpa who gives the name for the baby.

  2) Actually, I never think about the meaning of my name. I guess my grandpa just thought it was an easy remember name. but I will ask him if my name has special meaning when I go home.

  3) A lot. For example, some names combine the surname of their parents’ respective surnames, which embody the children are the symbol of the love.

  4) Of course. When we get a name, we get an identity. When we introduce ourselves, we can tell people our names and then they can know how to call us and remember us easily.

  5) No, I think my name is good and I don’t want to change it. All my friends know my name, and if I change it, I need to tell them. It’s a time-consuming work.

  6) In fact, I never changed my name before, so I’m not familiar with the procedure of changing a name. but I guess it’s easy. I just need to go the police station with my id card, the staff will change it for me.

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