
雅思口语培训课程-雅思口语 Part 1 - 关于报纸和杂志

发布时间:2020-10-19 17:18:00浏览次数:45文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语 Part 1 - 关于报纸和杂志。面对这样的题目,我们应该如何作答呢?这道题难度系数居中,正常表达是基本没有问题的,但是想

  雅思口语 Part 1  - 关于报纸和杂志。面对这样的题目,我们应该如何作答呢?这道题难度系数居中,正常表达是基本没有问题的,但是想要拿到好的分数也是不容易的,同学们可以结合自己数学的素材,多做一些拓展,下面为大家分享一些示例,供大家参考!

  Do you prefer reading newspapers or magazines?

  I prefer reading newspapers more cuz I can see what’s currently going on in the world. Also, news in newspapers is much more substantial and reliable as they are generally issued by the official department. Another reason is that newspapers are much more cheaper than magazines, usually about 1 CNY.


  Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news?

  Actually, neither of them. I always use some social media apps like WeChat, Weibo, and those news apps on my smart phone to get news, since I have much easier access to all types of news. You know, newspapers are not really popular anymore, probably because they’re not free and couldn’t offer real-time news to readers.

  其实两个都不喜欢。我经常使用一些社交媒体应用,比如微信, 微博,以及智能手机上的新闻应用来获取新闻,因为这样我可以更方便地获取各种类型的新闻。报纸不再那么受欢迎了,可能是因为它们不是免费的,不能为读者提供实时新闻。


  What sort of news are you most interested in?

  Wow, that’s a quite a lot, such as those news about sports, celebrities, traveling, entertainment, economy, and business. I‘m most interested in news about science and technology, because I am a huge fan of electronic products, and fascinated with new products and technologies releasing in the market, such as AR equipment, smart home, game consoles, drones and so on. These news keep me updated with cutting-edge technologies and greatly broadened my horizons.


  Do you think newspapers are important?

  Well, I think newspapers are not as essential as in the past. They are not the main source of news and information to most young people because of the wide spread of free news apps. Although some old people are still reading newspapers, I think this trend is irreversible. Currently, a lot of people feel reluctant to buy any newspapers, so I think newspapers are going to disappear sooner or later.




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