

发布时间:2021-09-14 15:36:31浏览次数:11文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  托福考试机经回忆,口语考新题?其实换汤不换药!今天是3 10周三,我们收集到了新鲜出炉的线下独立口语考题:  【版本1】如果





  大家应该能看出来,由于回忆真题的同学在记忆与英文水平方面的局限,经常会出现一个题目两个理解的情况。但是,根据这两个题目的共同信息,推测题目的底层逻辑应当是——学生如果在某项作业或者考试中表现不佳,就应当被给予其他的机会(如完成一些额外的任务)来让final grade不至于太差。翻译成英文,大致应该是 If students fail to perform well on a certain exam or assignment, they should be given the opportunity to do something else to prove that they deserve a better grade at the end of the semester. 这个口语题,应该是大家之前没见过的,不过,这是口语写作题库互串的换汤不换药之作。那么这个口语题,是由哪个写作原题改编而来的呢?请看:Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments throughout the semester, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large assignments at the end of the semester. Which do you prefer and why?

  在回答这个写作原题的时候,的建议是 I have no preference because they are both important and irreplaceable(如果你看到这个写法居然觉得会跑题或者模棱两可,说明连写作的门都还没摸着,请多尊重事实而不是凭想象或者不经思考人云亦云),原因是这两种assignments不仅相互补充,而且可以让学生不至于因为一次任务的失败而拿到特别差的成绩,这也是为什么大学里期末考试和平时作业各占一部分权重的原因所在(btw对于那些看到分情况讨论或者两者同样重要就一惊一乍的人,你们首先要知道托福考试考的用良好的英文和逻辑证明观点的能力,而不是看你选什么观点,不过从可操作性的角度来说,生活中的事实,一般都是最好证明的观点)。

  所以,上面的写作题,我们在论述时,完全可以有这样的推理:Having the final grades partially determined by numerous assignments throughout the semester can be good news to students who are not good at taking exams and who happen to perform poorly on tests due to unexpected incidents like getting sick. That way they can manage to get a higher GPA that can influence their future in a very positive way.

  这里有两个非常重要的部分:一是学生被允许做其他的任务就能弥补之前考试或者作业的失误,得到更好的成绩二是好成绩对于学生未来发展的重要意义。从细节扩展的角度来说,第一个点可以从学生发挥不好的原因上来扩展,比如sickness,而第二个点则可以从学生未来发展的获益上来细分,比如get a better job or have a bigger chance to be admitted by their dream schools if they want to further their studies. See? 同样的理由,是不是也可以很方便地移植到今天的口语问题中来作答呢?口语写作题库互串,这个点希望大家记住。


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents today spend too much time trying to help determine the futures of their children; children should be allowed to make their own choices. 【重复2020年12月最后一周家考原题,刷题班讲过原题变形】



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