

发布时间:2024-03-05 12:11:52浏览次数:1文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思小课堂|雅思口语词汇休闲时间和放松话题整理——嗨,小伙伴们,接下来几天,我们会连续给大家带来按话题分布的雅思口语词汇精粹,

  雅思小课堂|雅思口语词汇休闲时间和放松话题整理——嗨,小伙伴们,接下来几天,我们会连续给大家带来按话题分布的雅思口语词汇精粹,供参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注培顿 教育,需要雅思课程可以在线预约试听


  Leisure Time and Relaxing 休闲时间和放松

  to relax (Don't add 'myself' or any variation of 'self' after this word.) 放松

  to 'wind down' 放松

  to 'take it easy' 慢慢来不紧张

  to take a stroll; to take/have a walk 散步

  to meditate 深思 沉思

  massage 按摩

  sauna 桑拿

  sofa 沙发

  soft, soothing music 轻音乐

  holidays (Br.) = vacation (U.S.) 假期

  holiday [A ‘holiday’ (singular) usually refers to a public holiday, i.e., a day or small number of days when most people take time off work.] 假期

  weekend 周末

  go on a trip 旅行

  take a trip 旅行

  to travel 旅行

  to go sightseeing 观光

  a hobby 业余爱好

  an interest 兴趣

  a pastime 消遣娱乐

  to pass the time ( Do not say, ‘to kill time’ except when you are talking about situations when time seems to be moving particularly slowly because you

  have nothing to do such as waiting for two hours at the train station to catch your train.) 消磨时间



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