
雅思口语词汇精粹——Types of Magazines 杂志类型

发布时间:2023-12-05 10:59:19浏览次数:2文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语词汇精粹——Types of Magazines 杂志类型,对于雅思口语备考,积累素材和相关词汇是非常重要的,这里为哦们就一起来看看和

  雅思口语词汇精粹——Types of Magazines 杂志类型,对于雅思口语备考,积累素材和相关词汇是非常重要的,这里为哦们就一起来看看和杂志类型相关的雅思口语词汇吧,希望对大家的雅思口语备考能够有所帮助!

  There are magazines for almost every topic of interest, whether a sport, hobby, general interest or a career interest.


  sports magazines (e.g. Basketball, Football, Golf magazines) 体育杂志(如篮球,足球,高尔夫杂志)

雅思口语词汇精粹——Types of Magazines 杂志类型

  tabloid magazines (Sensationalized and often exaggerated or untrue articles and gossip about celebrities. This magazine genre also includes magazines with unusual or sensationalized human-interest stories.) 八卦杂志(常常被炒 作和夸大,或是虚假的关于名人的文章和小道消息。一些包含不寻常的、炒作 的及能引起读者共鸣或同情的报道的杂志也属于这一类型。)

  movie magazines (Stories and reviews about the latest films) 电影杂志(关于最新电影的影评和故事)

  music and entertainment magazines (Articles about pop music and movies and entertainment celebrities) 音乐娱乐杂志(关于流行音乐、电影和娱乐明星的文章)

  news and current events magazines (News, news analysis and opinion pieces) 时事新闻杂志(新闻,新闻分析和评论)

  women's magazines (Topics of general interest to women, including parenting, family, home, health, beauty and fashion, career and relationship advice, and short stories.) 女性杂志(女性感兴趣的话题,包括养育子女,家庭, 住宅,健康,美容时尚,对职业生涯和人际关系的建议,以及短篇故事)

  beauty and fashion magazines (e.g., Vogue. Articles and many photographs on fashion and beauty for women) 美容时尚杂志(如Vogue 杂志,其中有许多关于女性时尚及美容的文章和图片)

  teen magazines (Usually for teenage girls-general interest magazines for teenagers with topics such as romantic short stories, romance advice, fashion and beauty advice, entertainment etc.) 少儿杂志(对象一般为少女,包括青少年感兴趣的话题,如浪漫短篇小说,情感建议,美容时尚建议及娱乐等)

  men's magazines (Short stories and articles of interest to (usually) young men,including pictures of pretty girls) 男性杂志(一般为年轻男士感兴趣的短篇小说和文章,也包括漂亮女孩的图片)

  home and gardening magazines (Articles about buying a home, home decoration, home maintenance,gardening etc.) 家居园艺杂志(关于购房,家居装潢,家居保养,园艺等的一些文章)

  car magazines 汽车杂志

  military magazines (Articles and stories about military history, military equipment and weaponry) 军事杂志(关于军事历史,军事装备和武器的文章及故事)

  hobbyist magazines (e.g., stamp collecting, antiques, photography, different arts and crafts, pets, different games...) 爱好者杂志(如集邮,古董,摄影,各种工艺美术,宠物,及各种游戏杂志)

  computer magazines (Articles about new developments and products in the world of computers) 计算机杂志(关于计算机界的最新发展和创造的文章)

  computer game magazines 电脑游戏杂志

  business and money magazines (Articles about personal money Management, investing, the stock market etc.) 商务理财杂志(有关个人理财, 投资及股票市场等)

  puzzle magazines (With puzzles to solve) 益智杂志(解谜)

  humor magazines (Jokes, funny cartoons, and humorous short stories) 幽默杂志(笑话,趣味卡通以及一些诙谐的短篇故事)

  travel magazines (Articles about interesting places to visit) 旅游杂志(关于有意思的旅游景点)

  science and nature magazines (e.g., National Geographic) 科学与自然杂志 (如国家地理杂志)

  health and fitness magazines 健康杂志

  popular psychology magazines (Self-help articles and articles on 'pop psychology' topics) 大众心理学杂志(关于自助和现代心理学主题的文章)

  literary magazines (Short stories, poetry, reviews of new books, etc.) 文学杂志(短篇小说,诗歌,最新书评等)

  short story magazines (Various short stories to read. Different genres exist, e.g., mystery stories, romance stories, crime stories, science fiction stories...) 短篇故事杂志(包含各种各样的短篇故事。包括了不同的文学流派,如怪诞小 说,爱情小说,犯罪小说,科幻小说等)

  political magazines (Usually political analysis and opinion rather than objective political news) 政治杂志(通常包含政治分析和主张,而不是客观的政治新闻)

  scholarly magazines (Specialized magazines for academics in differentsubjects) 学术杂志(关于不同学术科目的专业杂志)



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