

发布时间:2022-11-12 10:57:08浏览次数:14文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  雅思口语Part2高分素材分享:善待不喜欢的人,对于这个话题可能很多学生不知道应该怎么做答,本文我们就为大家分享一些高分回答,大家


  Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like. You should say:

  When and where it happened Who he/she was

  Why you didn’t like this person

  And explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion


  Let me tell you about the challenging person I had to deal with when I was doing a group assignment for a course last year. I still remember it was a marketing course, and the teacher divided us randomly into small groups. We were asked to investigate a company's marketing strategies and wrote a group report, which counts for half of the final results. Therefore, I treated this assignment seriously.

  However, there was a guy called Li Ming, who was in my group. He was a really irresponsible guy who was usually late for our group meetings, and even absent with no reason. He did not contribute anything to this important group assignments at first.

  Thought I was really frustrated by him and did not personally like him, I tried hard to face it. I had to get along well with this guy because I needed his participation to be successful in this assignments. Therefore, in the following days, I tried to communicate with him to find out the reason why he did not want to contribute. To my shock, the true reason he did nothing for the group assignment is that his mother was sick and in hospital those days. He had to look after his mother in the hospital, so he did not have much time for the meetings. He told me he was really sorry for the absense before, and he also promised me that he would do more to compromise as soon as his mother got better.

  He kept his promise, and focused on the assignment when his mother was good enough to leave the hospital. In the end, our assignment was finished perfectly. I was really glad that I chose to talk to him but not directly told on him. Sometimes, it is useful to be friendly to others who you might even do not like.



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