

发布时间:2022-09-20 10:14:01浏览次数:287文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  在雅思口语Part1中,我们经常会遇到理由类题型,考官会提问一些为什么,原因是什么,怎么样等等问题,那么遇到这样的提问,可以怎样回


  Examiner’s Questions(主考官提问)


  Why is the Internet so popular?

  What's the reason for the popularity of the Internet?

  What's the cause of the Internet's popularity?

  How come the Internet is so popular?


  Student’s Answers(考生回答)

  Position→State the main reason(提出主要的原因)

  One of the reasons it's so big at the moment is that it offers something for everyone, from games to the latest news and even shopping.

  The sheer amount of information readily available plays a major part in its demand.

  I'd put it down to the fact that it's so quick, handy and useful.

  The only reason that comes to mind is the vast amount of knowledge that can be gained with a touch of a button.

  Why in the world the Internet is so popular is beyond me.


  Then again, it's not all it's cracked up to be as there are also many problems and dangers of the Internet.

  All the same, the downsides of the Internet cannot be ignored.

  Even so, the Internet does not always live up to expectations.

  Although/Even though the net is popular, it is so mainly with the younger generation as the elderly cannot get accustomed to all the technicalities of computer use.

  While the net has a lot to offer, there's nothing like talking to real people in the real world and shopping in real stores in real time.

  Despite/In spite of these obvious benefits, the dangers cannot be ignored.

  Having said that, the Internet does have a lot to answer for in terms of the rise in the crime rate and the amount of inappropriate and often offensive material which can be found on it.

  On the other hand, books can still offer as much information as the Internet can.

  The Internet is good for convenient 24-hour shopping whereas department stores are still a much safer shopping option.

  Alternatively, books can also keep you well-informed.

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