

发布时间:2021-09-19 15:20:29浏览次数:474文章来源:培顿教育
导读:  【Part3话题】雅思口语8分素材:健康文章,本文继续为同学们分享雅思口语高分素材,帮助大家更好的进行雅思口语的备考工作!如果你在雅

  【Part3话题】雅思口语8分素材:健康文章,本文继续为同学们分享雅思口语高分素材,帮助大家更好的进行雅思口语的备考工作!如果你在雅思备考方面存在问题,可以来培顿 雅思,专业的老师针对你出现的各类问题,帮你具体解决!

  P3 健康文章

  # Do you think people are healthier now than in the past?

  Yes,people in the past were healthier than we are now .People in developed nations are living in good health as much as a decade longer than their parents did, not because aging has been slowed or reversed, but because they are staying healthy to a more advanced age.

  # How can you tell whether a website is reliable or not?

  Author – Information on the internet with a listed author is one indication of a credible site. The fact that the author is willing to stand behind the information presented (and in some cases, include his or her contact information) is a good indication that the information is reliable.

  # What activities can school organize for children to keep it?

  Break tasks into chunks. Make checklists and to-do lists. Teach calendar and time management skills. Establish daily routines. Introduce idea organizers. Use color-coding. Create fun memory aids. Create an organized work space.

  # What can governments do to improve people's health?

  Assure an Adequate Local Public Health Infrastructure. Promote Healthy Communities and Healthy Behavior. Prevent the Spread of Communicable Disease.



  Losing weight 减肥

  Physical health 生理健康

  low-carb 低碳水化合物

  Body fat ratio 体脂率

  Exercise 锻炼

  Go to the gym 去健身房

  Work out 健身

  Practice yoga 练习瑜伽

  Take exercises 做运动

  Aerobic exercise 有氧运动


相关热词搜索: 雅思口语 雅思8分 雅思素材


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