

发布时间:2020-07-28 17:26:50浏览次数:106文章来源:培顿教育
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  Topic: Birthday

  现代人过生日的方式很多,人们主要选择和家人、朋友吃大餐,所以人们有可能喝到酣然入睡(Family and friends have a big meal and usually drink a lot until pass out.),有时人们也会去俱乐部 (go clubbing) 或者 KTV 过生日。现在的女生过生日,不管多少岁都只在蛋糕上放 18根蜡烛,因为她们希望自己永远年轻,永远 18岁 (stick just 18 candles no matter how old they really are as they wish to stay young and 18 years old forever.)。 Q: What did you do on your last birthday? [Why/Why not?]

  A: On my last birthday, I had a low-key celebration with my family members and friends in my home. We watched a movie in my apartment and then I made wishes and blew out the candles on my birthday cake. I prefer to have a small get-together because as I get older the companionship of loved ones is increasingly essential. 在我的上个生日,我与我的家人和朋友在家里有一个很低调的庆祝。我们在我的公寓里看了一场电影,然后我许愿并吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。我更喜欢小规模的聚会,因为随着年龄的增长,爱你的人的陪伴变得越来越重要。 low-key 低调的celebration 庆祝blow out 吹熄companionship 陪伴increasingly 越来越多地,越来越=more and more 拓展话题问题:(抽象、较难话题)

  Q: Do you think it’s important to do something special on birthdays? [Why/Why not?]

  A: It is not a necessity to always do something special on birthdays because for some people it’s just a normal day. They prefer not to celebrate because they do not want to face the fact that they are getting older. They may see their birthdays as a time to reminisce and recall past events or experiences, and to celebrate their maturity and growth. 生日没有必要总是做一些特别的事情,因为对一些人来说,这只是一个普通的日子。他们不喜欢庆祝,因为他们不想面对自己正在变老的事实。他们可能把他们的生日看作是一个回忆和回忆过去的事件或经历,庆祝他们的成熟和成长的时间。 normal 普通的、平常的(同义词common 常见的、普遍的e.g. a common spelling mistake 常犯的拼写错误)face the fact that……面对……的事实(表语从句)reminisce vi. 回忆recall vt. 回忆maturity n. 成熟

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