

发布时间:2020-07-05 15:33:20浏览次数:136文章来源:培顿教育
导读:You search for a suitable vacancy, send in an application form and if that goes well, you might be invited for an interview 你要找一个合适的职位,填好申请表,如果一切顺利,你还可能会被邀请参加面试。
search for a suitable vacancy

You search for a suitable vacancy, send in an application form and if that goes well, you might be invited for an interview.你要找一个合适的职位,填好申请表,如果一切顺利,你还可能会被邀请参加面试。


be faced by a panel of strangers 将面对一群陌生人

For some, this is when the panic sets in – you’re going to be faced by a panel of strangers who’ll fire difficult questions at you, and you’ll have to actually prove yourself.对一些人来说,这是恐慌的开始——你将面对一群陌生人,他们会向你抛出难题,你必须证明自己。

rigorous screening 严格筛选

A good interview process should involve rigorous screening of job applicants and effective questions that every applicant gets asked.一个好的面试过程应该包括对求职者的严格筛选和每个求职者都会被问到的有效问题。

job seeker 求职者

And there have been inappropriate requests, such as one job seeker being asked to show the interviewer the inside of her handbag to demonstrate how organised she was.也有一些不恰当的要求,比如一位求职者被要求向面试官展示她手袋的内部,以证明她是多么有条理。

feel at the mercy of an interviewer 感觉被面试官随意摆布

While a candidate might feel at the mercy of an interviewer, they are able to question why they’re being asked something,and while the interviewer might be making judgements, the candidate can also make their own judgement and decide if this is really the career move they want to make!当一个面试者感觉被面试官随意摆布时,他们也可反问为什么他们被如此要求,虽然面试官可能会作出相关评判,但面试者本人也可以做出自己的判断和决定,这是否是他们真正想要的职业选择!

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