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文章作者:培顿教育 发布时间:2017-08-09 浏览量:392
文章摘要:沈阳托福一对一培训培顿教育Z近发现一个问题,以前考生一般在口语部分中感到头疼的是独立口语,比如不知道如何组织答案,语句不通顺,卡顿严重,或是不会表达,但Z近一些考生在考完后看到自己的成绩单反而在integrated speaking这个部分不是很理想,甚至在校园对话部分(考生一直认为是自己的优势部分)也会拿到limited。

沈阳托福一对一培训培顿教育Z近发现一个问题,以前考生一般在口语部分中感到头疼的是独立口语,比如不知道如何组织答案,语句不通顺,卡顿严重,或是不会表达,但Z近一些考生在考完后看到自己的成绩单反而在integrated speaking这个部分不是很理想,甚至在校园对话部分(考生一直认为是自己的优势部分)也会拿到limited。那么接下来我们在这篇文章中就来讨论一下如何解决掉托福口语第三题中出题人设计的套路,从而尽可能快速地从阅读中汲取信息,并且抓住听力中的重点,完美复述。

I. 设计初衷

随着托福考试自己本身的成熟和低龄化出国留学日趋热门,很多家长都在孩子小的时候就非常重视孩子口语方面的培养。而且毕竟语言的学习Z重要的结果是要面对人去传达自己的想法,口语就是面对面交流环节中Z重要的一环。贴心的ETS在设计托福口语考试中就加入了campus situation这一环节。


II. 时间安排


III. 阅读话题的两种分类

1. 按照阅读的主题主要分为四类:

(1). 学校新规定,政策类,例如TPO 12 College Radio Station to Undergo Major Changes。

(2). 学校新计划类,例如TPO 18 University Choir to Enter Off-Campus Singing Competitions。

(3). 校园设备更新类,例如TPO 20 Energy costs reach sky-high levels。

(4). 校园生活质量提升类,例如TPO 24 Close the Campus Coffee house。

2. 按照文章形式主要分为两大类:

(1). 学校政策,这一类别在整个考试当中占约70%左右,是主要考察的类别。

例如TPO 12的College Radio Station to Undergo Major Changes提到,the university is considering making major changes to the college radio station. Changes would include an expansion of the station’s broadcasting range, which would allow the radio’s programming to reach nearby towns.

(2). 学生意见,这一类别占剩下的约30%的阅读形式。

例如TPO 1的Letter in Centerville College News提到,the administration has announced plans to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose this plan。

IV. 阅读常见套路解析


V. 听力部分常见套路解析

1. 对话主体:

听力材料是由两个老伙计的对话构成的,一个是“持有强烈意见人”,一个是“酱油人”。其中,持有强烈意见人会在谈话的开头部分就对阅读中政策或者意见提出肯定或者否定的表述,后面就会给出自己持有此态度的原因和细节。酱油人顾名思义就是基本是打酱油的人,所以她或他的存在只是对话能够持续进行的陪衬而已。对话中,约百分之七十“持有强烈意见人”都是持有反对意见的。下面是对态度进行的详细统计(数据来源是除TPO 35-39外的TPO材料):

赞同:5, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 32, 40, 43;

反对:1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 33, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48。

2. 回答策略:


Question: The man/woman expresses his/her opinion of the Reading Passage. State his/her opinion and explain the reason he/she gives for holding that opinion.


1. Reading passage

2. State his/her opinion

3. Explain the reason he/she gives for holding that opinion




3. 论述内容套路分析:

(1). 描述细节

例如TPO 3, 阅读中学校要让学生吃冷的早餐:

(woman) Do you believe any of this? It’s ridiculous.

(man) What do you mean? It is important to eat healthy foods.

(woman) Sure it is! But they are saying a yogurt is better for you than an omelet or than hot cereal? I mean, whether something is hot or cold, that shouldn’t be the issue. Let’s say maybe on a really cold morning, in that case, which is going to be better for you, a bowl of cold cereal or a nice warm omelet? It’s obvious. There’s no question.

(2). 给出具体例子

例如TPO 12, 阅读中学校要对radio station进行大改变:

(woman) Besides, the whole university will benefit from it.

(man) What do you mean?

(woman) Well, you know my friend Tony, right? He told me that the radio station at his university did something like this about five years ago.

(man) And?

(woman) Well, it’s a success! They are making a lot of money out of commercials and they are using it to offer more scholarships and to help fund projects to renovate the facilities of other programs.

(man) That sounds really good.

(3). 有序列举

例如TPO 30, 阅读中学生建议学校的建设工程其实可以在暑假进行:

(woman) Yeah, I do. Take his first reason. Like, I know you don’t drive, but I do drive here every day, so I need a place to park my car. And remember last year when they decided to repair some of the parking lots?

(man) Oh yeah, I remember that, there was a lot of work going on, wasn't there? Starting in December.

(woman) Right, at least four lots were closed, and that meant there weren't enough parking spots for students and professor’s cars. I usually had to circle around looking for parking on one of the streets. And then walk from the street all the way to my classes.

(man) That’s annoying.

(woman) Yeah, and it happened to a lot of other people in my classes too! People were always arriving late because of the trouble they had parking. Sometimes even my professors were late.

(man) Yeah.

(woman) And also, his second point? That makes sense too. I mean, for instance, part of the reason those parking lot repairs last year took so long was because of the big snowstorms. They had to keep stopping, sometimes for a week or two at a time, because of snow and ice on the ground.

(4). 给出原因

例如TPO 1, 阅读中学生建议不要在校园中建立新的sculpture。

(woman) Well, you know why Paul is upset. He and his friends are always out there on the lawn right where the sculpture will be, kicking around the soccer ball. Now they’ll just have to use another part of the campus to play.

(man) Oh! So he just doesn't want to have to move.

(5). 给出结果

例如TPO 34, 阅读中学校为学生提供免费导师指导项目。

(man) I see what you mean, so new students could get access to information about the program from another student’s point of view.




并列, 递进:and, also, as well as, besides, what's more, in addition

顺序:first, to begin with, first of all, initially, first thing, first, second, apart from, that, on top of that, more than that, another factor should be taken into consideration is that,  finally, last but not least

列举:and, in addition to, one more thing, also, plus

转折:but, however, nevertheless, yet, although

解释:that is, in particular, I mean, in this way, to put it another way, in other words, that is to say, ...so to speak..., Let’s say

因果:as a result, as a consequence, consequently, therefore, due to, thanks to, on account of, since



同意:like, love, in favor of, agree with, supports, excellent, great idea, right thing, reasonable, sounds great, not a bad idea

反对:dislike, hate, disagree, against, should not, oppose, it is not right, no good, do harm, no benefits, disadvantage

举例:say, like, for instance, for example, as a good example, by way of example

列举:first, second, third, another, next, furthermore

比较:like, as, similarly, at the same time, as well as, on the other hand, in contrast, however

对比:in spite of, on the contrary, instead, whereas, unlike, regardless

强调:especially, remember that, pay particular attention to, a main concern, a key feature

总结:all in all, in short, in a word, in brief, to summarize, to sum up, to recap, in conclusion, on the whole, altogether, in a nutshell, to cut a long story short, thus

