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文章作者:培顿教育 发布时间:2020-03-15 浏览量:54
文章摘要:好不容易写完作文后,觉得自己写的实在太 low,不忍阅读,但也不知如何修改?然后读完考官范文之后,有时不知好在哪里,有时又觉得写的太好,自己只能“望而却步”?

好不容易写完作文后,觉得自己写的实在太 low,不忍阅读,但也不知如何修改?后读完考官范文之后,有时不知好在哪里,有时又觉得写的太好,自己只能“望而却步”? 


事实上,在写作备考过程中,写作范文是非常重要的参考资料,而剑桥雅思真题中给我们提供的考官范文又是我们心中Z权威的高分文章,在C4-C14 这11本书中,有关Task 2 的文章仅仅只有15篇,数量十分之少,那就更需要我们去充分利用,下面我们就来结合C8T1这篇文章来分步讲解一下如何读懂并运用考官范文来提高写作水平。

01.仔细审题 列出提纲


Some people think parents should teach children how to be good members of society, while others believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



开头—引出话题: 家长和学校谁来负责教育孩子成为好的社会成员;

主体1—讨论观点1: 家长对孩子的启蒙影响。

主体2–讨论观点2: 学校能提供更专业的教育。


02.通读范文 梳理文章思路


A child’s education has never been about learning information and basic skills only. It has always included teaching the next generation how to be good members of society. Therefore, this cannot be the responsibility of the parents alone.

In order to be a good member of any society the individual must respect and obey the rules of their community and share their values. Educating children to understand the need to obey rules and respect others always begins in the home and is widely thought to be the responsibility of parents. They will certainly be the first to help children learn what is important in life, how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in their world.

However, learning to understand and share the value system of a whole society cannot be achieved just in the home. Once a child goes to school, they are entering a wider community where teachers and peers will have just as much influence as their parents do at home. At school, children will experience working and living with people from a whole variety of backgrounds from the wider society. This experience should teach them how to co-operate with each other and how to contribute to the life of their community.

But to be a valuable member of any community is not like learning a simple skill. It is something that an individual goes on learning throughout life and it is the responsibility of every member of a society to take responsibility for helping the younger generation to become active and able members of that society.








通过对比我们会发现,范文始终紧扣“成为好的社会成员”所需要的品质,从小的community到大的 whole society 来分别论证家长和学校在其中分别扮演的角色, 同时文章Z后还有递进,认为除了家长学校的教育之外,成为好的社会成员还需要个人努力和其他社会成员的帮助。

03.精读范文 整理高分表达


......has never been about .....only/alone.

respect and obey the rules of their community

be widely thought to...(do).

be expected to behave

share the value systems of a whole society

they are entering a wider community where...(where  引导的定语从句)

people from a whole variety of backgrounds from the wider society

里要强调一下大家这次读文章的时候可以借助朗文英英词典去理解词组意思和用法,不要只记忆孤零零的“单词”,而是要记忆“短语或句型 ”(collocation   and sentences), 自己写作中直接使用固定词组效率更高,并可以提高文章地道性。


